Community Club of the Year

These awards are given to active and well run sports clubs that have undertaken great work in running development programmes which attract and encourage new participants, particularly those from under-represented groups, and which help their members to develop their sports potential.

To download a word copy of the form click here

Please send the Nomination form to [email protected] or you can fill out the form below.

Name of Nominated Club:

Local Authority:



Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Contact Name:

Sports involved in:

Is the club affiliated to the National Governing Body:

Aims of the Club, including descriptions of facilities, coaching programmes and work with particular sections of the community and schools:

What success has the club had in the last 12 months? Either as a club or individual club members:

What extra steps/unique benefits have you made to encourage partnership working? (Community links/funding/help in kind):

How have you encouraged new participants to join the club in the last 12 months? What background do participants have e.g. hard to reach, disability, BME ect:

What development pathways have you inplace for coaches and volunteers? What roles to volunteers play in the club? E.g. Child Protection Officer, Secretary ect:

Does the club do any partnerships working with Local Schools, Sports Development Units, County Sport Partnership or National Governing Bodies. If Yes please describe below:

Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By:

Nominated by email: